Resource CIC is a community interest company based in North Wales and founded in 2020. They are a team of people who are passionate about providing others with opportunities to learn, create and benefit their local community, as well as to help protect the environment.
With two premises in Denbigh, they operate a Scrap Store where they collect clean, dry, safe and non toxic items from individuals, businesses and trade. They also provide iovative and engaging workshops that are accessible to all by finding creative ways of re-using, upcycling, repurposing or simply recycling items that may otherwise go to landfill. We spoke to Resource CIC founding member Janine Cusworth to find out more about this inspiring initiative.
Hi Janine! Please can you tell us a bit about yourself and what guided you towards this work?
My name is Janine Cusworth and I am the Founder and Managing Director of social and environmental enterprise Resource. My background is working in the community as a social worker and teacher. Becoming a mum to three children with additional needs, combined with professional experience, was the inspiration for the development of Resource alongside discovering – upon moving to North Wales – a community readied for positive climate actions.
For those who aren’t familiar with Resource, can you give some background?
Resource registered as a Community Interest Company in June 2020, meaning that we are a not-for-profit. All monies go back into the organisation to create volunteering and employment opportunities, with a focus on the inclusion of young people and adults distanced from the labour market (particularly those aged 16 years +, unemployed and identifying as having a disability and/or long term health condition).
We operate a number of waste reducing, reuse and share initiatives that includes a community cafe called Seconds a Scrap Store, upcycling workshops, Reform Plastics workshop, community gardens in Denbigh and our lending project Bws Benthyg (where locals can borrow items like sewing machines, hedge trimmers and food mixers).
What are your thoughts on the impact of increased single-use plastic use, and what is Resource Wales' role in helping to tackle this issue?
Resource, through its plastics projects, aims to inspire all in the useful nature of plastic and the precious value that our plastic has in being reused and reformed. We hope to inspire people to think about their choices when buying products and if they have plastic to dispose of, to do this in the most responsible way.
How do you collaborate with stakeholders in your local community?
The local community is at the heart of our projects. We work from an assets and strengths approach. Our approach is in being flexible and adaptable to community and individual need. We work in partnership with a number of community groups and partners in the development and delivery of our projects. This includes town and county council, youth service, other social enterprises, and environmental community groups.
If someone wants to support your work at Resource, how can they help?
Volunteering is at the centre of Resource, and we welcome anyone young/older or with different skills to come and get involved in any of our projects. Some people volunteer in one area, e.g. community gardens, whilst others are interested in taking part in different areas of our work. Find out more, here.
What is your proudest achievement so far with Resource Wales?
Our flexibility and adaptability being tested during COVID, and being able to survive and grow through this time. We have recently been awarded an Investing in Volunteers quality mark following a year long assessment of our practices, and I was recently asked to speak about Resource at the aual Social Business Wales/Cwpas conference in Swansea.
Finally, what long-term goals do you have for Resource Wales?
To have a measurable positive impact on our local communities environment and carbon capture; to reduce waste; and to make sure that everyone is able to participate in positive climate action.
If you would like to find out more about Resource CIC, to volunteer, donate items or participate in one their workshops, please visit You can also follow their work online via Instagram and Facebook.